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Wisdom teeth, otherwise known as the third molars, grow in the back of the gums and are the final teeth to come through. The majority of people have four wisdom teeth, which are located at each corner of the back of the mouth. Wisdom teeth typically erupt through the gums throughout the late teens or early twenties. When the wisdom teeth erupt, the other adult teeth are generally already in place and most times, wisdom teeth do not have enough room to erupt and grow properly. Due to the insufficient amount of space in the mouth, it can cause the wisdom teeth to emerge abnormally, such as at an angle or get stuck and only emerge partially. When wisdom teeth emerge abnormally, this means that they are impacted. 

When wisdom teeth are impacted, an extraction by a skilled dentist may be necessary. If you suspect that your wisdom teeth are coming in and would like to schedule a consultation with our team, feel free to contact us at Salo & Salo Dental. Our highly experienced dentist specializes in wisdom teeth extractions in Los Angeles and can provide you with the help that you need.

When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

The following symptoms may be signs that your wisdom teeth should be removed:


Infection in the mouth

Face swelling

Gum line swelling in the back of the mouth near the wisdom teeth

Some patients may experience partially impacted teeth, which means that the wisdom teeth are only partially erupted and no longer have any room to grow in completely.

Salo & Salo - Wisdom Teeth Extraction

On the other hand, some patients may experience completely impacted wisdom teeth, which means the wisdom teeth have not erupted at all and may never erupt. If the completely impacted wisdom teeth are not causing any issues, then most dentists will just check in on them over time to ensure that nothing needs to be done. However, if the wisdom teeth are causing problems or are suspected to cause problems in the future, then your dentist may recommend removing them as soon as possible. Early wisdom teeth removal is always suggested, as it can prevent further problems.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with our trusted dentist, feel free to contact us to learn whether wisdom teeth extraction in Beverly Hills is right for you.

Common Problems Linked to Impacted Wisdom Teeth

There are many issues that stem from impacted wisdom teeth, including but not limited to:

Plaque and bacteria buildup if the wisdom teeth are partially erupted


Fluid-like sacs 


Gum disease

Tooth decay

Root resorption of an adjacent tooth

Salo & Salo - Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Salo & Salo - Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you are in need of wisdom teeth removal, the procedure requires the dentist to make a small incision of the gum tissue that surrounds the tooth. By softly detaching the connective tissue, it will allow your dentist to separate the tooth and the bone. The tooth will then be removed and the opening of the gum tissue will be sealed with stitches. For some patients, some of the bone may need to be removed. Additionally, some cases may require the tooth to be broken into pieces to allow removal.

When You Should See a Dentist 

If you are experiencing severe pain due to your wisdom teeth, then it is imperative that you schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. At your appointment, your dentist will examine your teeth and determine whether an extraction is necessary. If your dentist determines that you do need to have your wisdom teeth removed, then an X-ray of your mouth will be performed, which allows your dentist to get a better view of your teeth.

Just as with any issues pertaining to your teeth or oral health, it is important that you see a dentist as soon as possible to prevent further issues that are not only more painful, but more costly in the long run. At Salo & Salo Dental, our team is committed to providing the highest quality dental care for each and every patient of ours. If you are in need of a skilled and experienced dentist for wisdom teeth extractions in West Hollywood, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Salo & Salo - Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Salo & Salo - Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Contact Us To Schedule an Appointment

Our highly experienced dentists have the skills and expertise necessary to provide our patients with the best dental care. If you are looking for a reputable dentist to provide you with the care that you need and deserve, contact us today to schedule an appointment at Salo & Salo Dental. With over 30 years of experience specializing in a wide range of dental procedures, we are here for you every step of the way.

Interested in Learning More about Cosmetic Dentistry in Beverly Hills

If you are seeking the best cosmetic dentistry in Los Angeles, then our team at Salo & Salo Dental can help you achieve your goals. With extensive experience, we take great pride in being able to provide the best results possible for our patients. When considering cosmetic dentistry, it is imperative to choose a dental team that has shown proven, successful results. We are confident in the cosmetic dentistry services that we provide and are dedicated to creating custom-made designs that will fit the rest of your smile perfectly, ensuring optimal functionality and stunning results. To learn more about our cosmetic dentistry procedures and what may work for you, feel free to contact our friendly team to schedule a consultation with our dentist who specializes in the top cosmetic dentistry in West Hollywood.

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