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Some patients may experience tooth decay that may be too severe to treat with a simple filling, yet not serious enough to require a full-coverage crown. Inlays and overlays are a type of restorative dental treatment that may be the best option when a patient needs a solution that falls somewhere between a filling and a crown. 

Inlays and overlays are commonly known as ‘indirect’ fillings, which means that they are fabricated outside of the mouth in a dental lab and then bonded directly to the tooth by the dentist. This is contrary to a ‘direct’ filling, as a direct filling is bonded directly to the cavity by the dentist all in one visit.

Difference Between an Inlay and Overlay

An inlay is a single solid piece of material (ceramic, resin, or gold) that is placed inside of a cavity, which is pre-molded to fit into the grooves of your tooth. An overlay covers the cusp of the tooth, allowing it to seamlessly fit over the tooth’s biting surface.

Inlays and overlays are primarily used for premolars or molars, which are located in the back of the mouth. Inlays and overlays are highly effective restorative solutions that improve functionality of your teeth and prevent further tooth decay. They were once used for the front teeth as well, but veneers are now the preferred option when it comes to improving the aesthetics of one’s smile. 

If you suffer from tooth decay and are seeking a highly effective solution that can provide you with a beautiful and functional smile again, our team can help you every step of the way. With years of experience providing effective dental solutions for our patients, we are here to provide you with the results that you need and deserve. Contact our team at Salo & Salo Dental to find out if inlays or overlays in Los Angeles are right for you.

Salo and Salo - Inlays and Overlays

How Does it Work?

Getting an inlay or overlay is a similar process to getting a crown, with one major difference: less of your natural tooth is removed in order to receive an inlay or overlay. When receiving a crown, a significant amount of the natural tooth must undergo reshaping in order for the crown to fit the tooth. Ultimately, our goal is to preserve as much of the natural tooth as possible, which is why we recommend inlays and overlays when a tooth must be restored. 

The process of receiving an inlay or onlay requires the tooth to be numbed, along with the surrounding area, using local anesthetic. Next, the decay is then removed, which must be done to prevent further decay later on.

Once our team has completed the tooth preparation, we will take an impression of it and send it over to the dental lab. The impression that we took will then be used as a mold to prepare a final model of your tooth, allowing us to create the inlay or overlay. In terms of the material used for inlays or overlays, there are a few options, which are ceramic, gold, or resin. Our team will discuss these options in detail with you to determine what material may be best for you.

Prior to leaving the office, we will provide your tooth with a temporary filling to protect it while your inlay or overlay is being prepared in the lab. When the final inlay or overlay is completed, we will attach the permanent restoration at your second visit. 

Salo and Salo - Inlays and Overlays
Salo and Salo - Inlays and Overlays

Inlays and overlays are highly durable and lasting solutions for providing a completely functional smile. They do not require any further maintenance than your natural teeth. However, regular flossing and brushing, as well as regular dental exams and cleanings are important to ensure that your new restoration will last for years to come.

If you are considering restorative dental treatments like inlays or overlays, then it is best that you schedule a consultation with our skilled dentist who specializes in inlays and overlays in Beverly Hills. Our team will be able to provide you with advice in terms of what solution may be best for you. Contact our team to schedule a consultation with our highly experienced dentist!

Contact Our Team For Inlays or Overlays in Los Angeles

If you are seeking a highly effective dental restoration treatment, then our team will conduct a comprehensive exam to determine what approach is best for you, as well as discuss your options with you. At Salo & Salo Dental, our team has extensive experience providing our patients with the best results, ensuring a beautiful, healthy, and functional smile. Feel free to contact our friendly team to get the results that you need and deserve.

Salo and Salo - Inlays and Overlays

Interested in Learning More about Cosmetic Dentistry in Beverly Hills

If you are seeking the best cosmetic dentistry in Los Angeles, then our team at Salo & Salo Dental can help you achieve your goals. With extensive experience, we take great pride in being able to provide the best results possible for our patients. When considering cosmetic dentistry, it is imperative to choose a dental team that has shown proven, successful results. We are confident in the cosmetic dentistry services that we provide and are dedicated to creating custom-made designs that will fit the rest of your smile perfectly, ensuring optimal functionality and stunning results. To learn more about our cosmetic dentistry procedures and what may work for you, feel free to contact our friendly team to schedule a consultation with our dentist who specializes in the top cosmetic dentistry in West Hollywood.

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