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If you struggle with tooth discoloration and want to feel more confident about your smile, then teeth bleaching may be the perfect solution for you. Unfortunately, millions of Americans have tooth discoloration that can impact their self-esteem and their ability to start each day with confidence. Perhaps you are self-conscious about your teeth and tend to cover it when laughing or smiling, which causes a hindrance in your everyday life. This can be difficult to deal with, whether you’re in social settings, work environment, and other scenarios. The good thing is that we offer teeth bleaching, which aims to get rid of pesky stains that have accumulated over the years. Our team specializes in advanced treatments that can help you achieve the beautiful and bright smile that you have been longing for. With that being said, we make it easier than ever for our patients to get the results that they desire when it comes to whitening their smile.

Our simple and effective bleaching procedure is completely safe, quick, and inexpensive, allowing you to achieve a beautiful smile. If you are considering a teeth bleaching procedure to enhance your smile, then feel free to contact our team to schedule a consultation at Salo & Salo Dental. Our highly skilled and experienced team is here to help you get the results you deserve.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

There are a wide range of causes that can lead to tooth discoloration. Some of the most common causes include certain foods and drinks, smoking, aging, medications, health conditions, and more. For example, certain drinks like red wine and coffee can cause staining over time if consumed often. That is why it is extremely important to brush your teeth after every meal or colored drink (i.e. coffee or red wine). Not only is brushing your teeth after every meal great for your oral health, but it prevents any food or drink from setting in and staining your teeth. 

Smoking is another common cause of tooth discoloration. Therefore, if you plan to bleach your teeth, then it is imperative that you stop smoking beforehand to prevent further discoloration. Additionally, other factors, such as aging, certain medications and health conditions can also contribute to tooth discoloration.

If you suffer from tooth discoloration and are seeking an effective solution, then teeth bleaching in Los Angeles may be the perfect option for you. Contact us to schedule an appointment with our trusted dentist at Salo & Salo Dental.

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What is the process like?

At Salo & Salo Dental, our team uses the latest teeth whitening technology to offer a safe, quick, and effective method to give you a brilliantly bright smile. Depending on the severity of your discoloration, some patients prefer their top and bottom teeth to be whitened or just the top portion. Whatever the case is, our team is here to provide you with the advice and guidance you need to ensure the best results.

Then, we create custom beach trays that will be prepared in 1-2 days from the time of your teeth whitening request. Our dentist will provide you with a bleaching agent that will need to be placed inside of the clear trays. The treatment will require you to wear the trays for a couple hours each day. Our team makes an effort to track the progress of your teeth whitening journey and may ask to take before and after photos of your teeth.

If you are looking for a highly effective, quick, and inexpensive way to enhance your smile exponentially, then it may be time to look into teeth bleaching by a professional dentist. Contact our team at Salo & Salo Dental and see how we can help you achieve a bright and beautiful smile.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Bleaching

There are many amazing benefits of professional teeth bleaching, including:

Color correction for brown or yellow staining of the teeth 

It is viable solution for people of all ages

It is an almost permanent solution for ‘dull’ smiles

It restores brightness and brings your smile to life

It can enhance your self-esteem and overall feelings about your smile

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Salo & Salo - Teeth Bleaching

Why Choose Professional Teeth Whitening

While there are many over-the-counter options available for teeth whitening, they can be harmful to your enamel and gums. Therefore, it is always best to seek professional teeth whitening by a skilled dentist versus buying over-the-counter teeth whitening options. The methods that we offer are safer, more effective, and longer-lasting.

To learn more about how our team can help you achieve a whiter smile, contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Learn More about Cosmetic Dentistry in Beverly Hills

If you are seeking the best cosmetic dentistry in Los Angeles, then our team at Salo & Salo Dental can help you achieve your goals. With extensive experience, we take great pride in being able to provide the best results possible for our patients. When considering cosmetic dentistry, it is imperative to choose a dental team that has shown proven, successful results. We are confident in the cosmetic dentistry services that we provide and are dedicated to creating custom-made designs that will fit the rest of your smile perfectly, ensuring optimal functionality and stunning results. To learn more about our cosmetic dentistry procedures and what may work for you, feel free to contact our friendly team to schedule a consultation with our dentist who specializes in the top cosmetic dentistry in West Hollywood.

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